Welcome to The Worldwright,

this blog will cover my explorations and adventures in module building for, and modding of Neverwinter Nights 2. By and large this blog is for my personal use, a journal of my discoveries and techniques, so that I don't forget them (or lose them to computer troubles, flood, lightning strikes, or velociraptor attack). I will also document my Modules as they are constructed, as a way of organizing my thoughts.

Naturally some others in the community may find these posts useful and are welcome to read them and share their own thoughts. I believe that through the free exchange of ideas we can make NWN2 into something even greater than its predecessor.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Adios NWN 2

I gave it the old college try but the game is just too bug ridden and doesn't play nearly smooth enough on my system for it to be worthwhile to keep building. So this blog is officially closed. I will keep the worldwright name though after all, I do lots of stuff that could fall under that heading and who knows what the future may hold.

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