Welcome to The Worldwright,

this blog will cover my explorations and adventures in module building for, and modding of Neverwinter Nights 2. By and large this blog is for my personal use, a journal of my discoveries and techniques, so that I don't forget them (or lose them to computer troubles, flood, lightning strikes, or velociraptor attack). I will also document my Modules as they are constructed, as a way of organizing my thoughts.

Naturally some others in the community may find these posts useful and are welcome to read them and share their own thoughts. I believe that through the free exchange of ideas we can make NWN2 into something even greater than its predecessor.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Essential tools

As I discover them I will be linking to tools and plugins that I have found to be particularly usefull, and should be considered part of the module builders standard kit. Currently there are three, though there are definitely others who have not updated their plugins to 1.03 yet, so I can't use them.

I have found these to be particularly helpful...

PowerBar : Adds a slew of useful features to the tools set. The camera tools are a must have for setting up cut scenes.

SpellPlug: Adds Spellcheck to the toolset. Nothing kills emersion like typos (for me at least).

NWN2Mapper: vastly speeds up the process of creating interior areas.

Links can be found on the left of the page.

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